Friday, September 17, 2010

Beware of True False Quizes and Annorexics

So I have a 9:30 AM Honors class, Urban Problems and Solutions. We got a pop quiz yesterday with 5 minutes left of class soooo naturally it being a true-false quiz I just went to town without reading the directions. I was stressing out while answering 20 true-false questions about the damn amendments so I just said fuggg it and added approximately 5 trues.
When leaving that class a 4ft tall ginger frosh said "didn't you read the directions? It said they were all false."
Ok well eff you ginger-baby, of course I didn't read the directions: it's 10 in the morning on a Thursday, I'm a sophomore, and there was 20 freaking questions... and then there's the main reason- IT'S TRUE-FALSE.. What the hell directions could there be for a damn true-false quiz?!
Well lesson learned, read the directions no matter what. I now have to drop that quiz as my worst grade, when I could've gotten an 100%.

Later in the day, my "friend" told me that her new diet is "not eating."
Well as cute as that is, it's not cute. Not only is not cute to be emaciated, it's even less cute to be a grouchy beeotch.
When parting ways I JOKINGLY told her "Have a great day and stop being anno!"
In response she said "You're just jealous I'm skinny, maybe you should try it."
Well, thanks but no thanks. I'd rather eat and be nice than not and be a bitch.

Video of the day:
(When all of this previous shit happened, it didn't phase me after I watch this little gem of a vid.)

^compliments of Molly Ryanmiller.

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