Thursday, April 8, 2010

What's good Perrysburg?

Seems like ever since the class of 2009 officially left the building our school that we all loved to hate and hated to love is going into the shitter..
1. The state cut our funding.
2. As a result they are cutting 54 teachers and numerous programs.. yikes!
2. Our freshmen class is a bunch of raging whores.. there's a prego one?!
....Really? That girl can't be more than 14 or 15 years old.
She wouldn't even qualify for MTV's "16 and Pregnant," that show is incentive enough to hold off on baby making for a year or so; at least get endorsed by MTV for your irresponsibility.

What is going on with the 43551??
We can't even wear white trash bags for games anymore.. we're no better than Maumee.. Rossford, we still probably are but that's not hard.
^this part is somewhat of a joke.. I had to throw in some stereotypical Perrysburg bitchiness. I have friends in both places. :]

I say that this summer the class of 2009 needs to come back and get this shithole back on track.
None of this stuff happened when we were around..
Just saying.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Cherry Popper.

This is my first blog, I doubt that any of you care to read it. To be quite honest I did this for three reasons:
1. Everyone else is.. (so naturally I have to stay on top of my game).
2. For shits and gigs.. we all know I love to talk.
3. I have to journal for my Stress Management class sooooo might as well make it interesting.

Random Facts of the Day: -I keep getting headaches, it's stressing me out. -After today's events, I am almost positive I have severe ADHD. -The new "Blackberry 5.0" is the
-I can't wait for summer, but I don't want to leave IU.

Quote of the day:
"You might have to lose control before you could find out what you'd been missing."-Jodi Picoult

It's thunderstorming outside and I love it.